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I found this site only yesterday. What a wonderful tribute. John Dye was one of the few actors and people to positively influence and impact my life in such a big way, even though I never had the privilege of meeting him. In 2009/2010 I became a hospice nurse. I struggled initially trying to figure out how to do the job and not become attached. Already a big fan of Touched by an Angel, and particularly Andrew, John’s portrayal of Andrew played a pivotal role in me learning and accepting the incredible privilege of walking with someone to the edge of eternity. One can’t get any closer in this life  and there is nothing wrong with getting attached to someone who is dying. It was truly the most rewarding field of nursing I have ever worked in. John Dye will forever hold a special place in my life because of his portrayal of Andrew.
Thank you John.



I still Love.and miss you my Handsome,and Beautiful Angel!!!! I keep praying for your Family!!!  Keep Resting my Angel!!!


i was not aware that john had  passed on, we have only recently started getting touched by an angel on tv and i looked on the internet to find out more and found this wonderful site he is an inspiration to all i have been knitting for the nicu in liverpool for many years,and i am hoping to do more in my community in plymouth.


Hi. I had no idea John Dye passed away. I'm sorry for that. I checked out the site and feel very "touched" by the way there are so many organizations to help and make a difference with. I've been knitting for shelters for the last 6 years and enjoy every minute of it! Thank you for the pictures and stories. :) K


From Karen B.:

During the run of “Touched by an Angel” I often felt touched by an angel or at the least a kind beneficent force in the universe.  I only learned of John Dye’s untimely death today and feel profound sorrow.  I hope that John in his humanity and afterlife is experiencing the love, warmth and forgiveness, promised by God to all that share testimony and belief in his heavenly love.  God’s Blessings and love also to those who shared the message of “Touched by an Angel”., with John Dye;  Roma Downey, Valerie Bertinelli and Della Reese; and most importantly, John’s earthly family.


I have been a part of this group of many different people who John touched on screen and off screen, and although we miss his presence here.  He is the Angel Boy in Heaven, and recently welcomed his loving mother into the kingdom.  John, thank you for all of your giving, kindness and most of all your love.     As you continue to be that special Angel, please watch over us, May God Bless your Dad and brothers.

Lea Ann


I just saw site for the first time and so glad I saw it.  “Touched is currently on channel 11 here in Australia and I am sure that I am not the only one enjoying same.  Also very positive that John had his own Angel take him home.  Rest in Peace wonderful man.



From Rebecca:

I saw a letter that an oncologist had written about the fear of reoccurences that we all deal with as survivors of  cancer.  I had an moment of inspiration and wanted so much to write her a letter back.  In her letter she discussed the fear of reoccurences and how basically there is "nothing" one can do that is real to draw comfort or prevent a reocurrence. She included faith in a lump of practices which could do no good and simply made others feed off of us.  I disagree.   I simply wanted to share my walk in faith which grew so much during my time of struggle.

To whom It may concern,
I understand the fear I am a five year survivor of early stage breast cancer. I also live with two cerebral anneurysms which I have to watch and follow yearly.
I agree there is a lot of advise and no clear answers. I do have strong faith, and although this may not have directly changed any outcomes it did change me.
I don’t walk in fear as much but walk in faith. I realize my own mortality and try to live life to the fullest each day. I know I do not walk alone. One prayer that God will always answers is ask him to use you to help someone else. You will be quite surprised.
My faith doesn’t take away all fear or make me not dread each appointment it does complete me however.
Just wanted to add this as someone who has walked this path and continues to walk it each and every day.
Very Sincerely,
My point being that by paying it forward or simply asking God for that opportunity to help someone he will truly reveal himself to us.  Just wanted to add all of this came about because I am getting ready to train for a volunteer program called Friend for Life.  It is a program that matches cancer survivors with those undergoing treatment and this is something that was a huge help for me when newly diagnosed and through all of my treatments.

God bless,


From Karen:

Tracey you are a true inspiration to everyone. Five years from now doing an "RAOK" should be in the thoughts and on the lips of everyone, daily. What a wonderful world that would be :-)


From Kerstin:

Your site is so wonderful. Just what I needed. After month I finally get started with the new styling for my John-Dye homepage, which I have for almost five years. To here that he died broke my heart. I dreamed since the first airing from TBAA in Germany to meet John. He accompanied my life and had a deep impact on it. Now I have to wait a little bit longer to meet him. ~Love Kerstin~


This site was passed on to me by good friend, and I thought I'd give my thanks and gratitude for all I have!


From Maria:

I just think this site is a blessing in the making . :) It's wonderful to know that John Dye will always be remembered for helping others out within the world and for all his good work that he done within the years . May be never be forgotten :) He's a true Angel within............ Very missed by myself and everyone who loved him for who he was a wonderful blessing :)


My journey began back in 1986 when my mother had a heart attack. She survived and continued on, but she couldn’t function at the same capacity she had been used to. So she didn’t push herself and felt that as long as she was alive that was good enough for her. But I watched as she deteriorated over time. Her heart problems became worse and she began having bouts of Congestive Heart Failure. Each attack caused more suffering for her. She still found the ability to persevere and move forward albeit slower than she was before. My sister and I stayed by her and helped her through to the end. She passed in Feb 1993.
My father had developed Throat Cancer six months before she passed. I went from being my mothers caretaker to being my fathers caretaker. I stayed by his side until Feb of 1996 when he passed.
Then in May of 1996, my then fiancé, had fallen into drugs and was now showing the signs of his abuse. He began having heart related problems which lead to Congestive Heart Failure. I remember sitting at the hospital and his doctor told me that I had a choice I needed to make, either I leave now and not look back, or I had to stay no matter what happened. God gave me the strength not to walk away.
In August 1996, I began to watch Touched by an Angel. But the thing that touched me most was how at peace I felt knowing that God loved all of us and that there was life beyond where we were. I was deeply moved by the compassion that John portrayed in his character of Andrew. I was able to continue to find that compassion to help the man who was no longer my fiancé, but was now my friend. We soon became roommates and he began his fight over the addiction.
It is now 2011 and he has overcome the addiction. He now enjoys his three grandchildren and he just got married last month. God is good!
Recently I have suffered the loss of my aunt and two of my friends. I was feeling deeply depressed when I came across the information about John’s passing. But there had to be a reason I didn’t know until now. And I think I found it. I came across your site after doing a deep search on the internet about John. Pay it forward in memory of John Dye is an awesome site.
A friend of mine had been talking to me about going with her to help and give of ourselves. In fact she’s been after me for months. This morning I contacted her and told her that I had come across this information and asked her if instead of going to help somewhere, would she be willing to work with me and try to start an organization to help others. She was speechless. I have some ideas and she has some ideas mostly centered around bringing a group of people together to support each other through prayer and meditation. Since I forgot that she was on her honeymoon when I called her, we will be getting together in a couple of weeks to see what we can come up with so we can move forward.
I now have a purpose and a burden has now been lifted. I’m ready to move forward.
I will be going on the Facebook page and asking to join the group there.
I have been blessed by finding this site.
Cathy Scott


I feel so much gratitude for the exceptional effort and beautiful website that has been created in honor of such a beautiful, rare and exceptional man.  I also commend Jim and Lynn Dye for their gracious support.  John would be amazed - this is real inspiration that gets us out of our heads and down to the real nitty, gritty of life where it counts, and where he set such a great example.  Thank you so much to all involved in the Facebook page and website - you've done a miraculous job that you can really be proud of!  I miss John being on the earth - but this website brings us all a little bit closer.

Much love,
Ellen Contos


i just saw the website live for the very first time. all i can say is WOW !!!!!!!!!!!  IT IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! congrats to everyone!!!!!!!!

- Wendy Burke


It does look awesome and even the word awesome is underrated thank you all the people who made the website and thank you both too Jim and Lynn you both rock and thank you everyone for making the website so great and meaningful

-Michelle Kerr


 ''Rest In Peace Angel Boy! I love you!
             Love Always


I absolutely love the site!!!   Am so glad this beautiful site is here for people such as my self who are fans of John.  It is a wonderful tribute to an outstanding man who although I didn't know personally I miss so very much.  I thank God for this  wonderful man and know that he left the world a better place.  Thanks again to all of you who made this possible.

Rebecca K. Shain


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(Photo Credits: Images on these pages are owned by CBS Productions.  They are not being used to seek profit.)